Friday, February 21, 2020

Army Spotlight: Chris' Orc Army

Fear the mighty orcs!
One of my goals for the SAG blog was to feature some of the armies our club members have painted, though my own skills are sub-par we have some pretty outstanding painters in the club.

Here is the first of those armies, Chris' Orcs. Chris originally built and painted this army for our Age of Sigmar escalation campaign last year, but has since used the army in a one-off Battlesystem game and now plays it in our Kings of War escalation campaign. He was tired of painting drab, historical figures; he wanted to try his hand at a non-human fantasy army. Being able to buy them relatively cheap didn't hurt!

This army doesn't have many exotic painting techniques, just a lot of dry brushing, some home made washes and hard work.
Originally a Megaboss on Maw-krusha for Age of Sigmar, in the Kings of War campaign this is a
Krudger on a Winged Slasher.  This centerpiece figure was painted with dry bushed layers, and Chris
is most proud of the excellent base work.

Gore riders!  Chris glued magnets under his individual figure bases, and then glued metal washes on Kings of War bases,
spackled them for texture, then painted and dry brushed them, producing an excellent look and allowing his orcs to
shift back and forth between different war game systems 

These savage orc gore riders had blue paint added to really make the figures 'pop'.

Orc ax regiments are the heart of the orcish armies, Chris painted these with ink paints. 

This savage orc regiment is a Morax unit in Kings of War.

these orc archers make an excellent unit of Skulks for Kings of War.

Orcish leaders and heroes, a Kudger on a gore, a kudger dismounted, a Godspeaker, and a Flagger. 

I haven't yet faced Chris' orcs in Kings of War, and I'm not eager too, it's an intimidating force!  But gorgeously painted -- dem Boyz is pretty!

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