Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Spring/Summer 2022

Though occasional Covid scares have interrupted play once or twice, the club has generally continued to meet weekly. Kings of War remains popular, but other games have come to the fore more often recently.  Bolt Action games occurred even on Friday nights, Middle Earth Strategy Battle GameMortal Gods and ADLG continued to be played, and Black Powder was played reasonably often. Mordheim made a brief resurgence as well. In July, members of the club began exploring The Horus Heresy driven as much of the club's gaming has been over the last year and half, by 3-d printing. Additionally, club members resurrected the old GW game Warmaster.

Chuck and Mike playing Kings of War.

Chris prepares to fight a Bolt Action game out in the jungle.

Calm and organized, Eric doesn't let orc culture
effect him at all as he prepares to battle in Middle Earth.

Rohirrim fight to keep Rohan safe from Sauron
and Saruman both. 

One of SAG's offshoots, the YHP Bolt Action Club ran a Bolt Action tank game at Your Hobby Place-Fredericksburg.

Burning and pinned Stuarts litter the battle field.

Opposing commanders ponder how best to
control the village crossroads.

The all-tank battle led to careful use of terrain.
He who showed himself first was often brewed up!

Stuarts and Panzers engage at knife-fight distances
amongst the trees and buildings.

James and Ren explore the Civil War through 
Epic Black Powder

Chris obse4rves as Eric and Chuck try out
Firelock Game's Oak & Iron rules.

Rob contemplates his next move in Kings of War.

A river crossing for a Civil War  battle
using Epic Black Powder rules.

Ren, James, and Chris all contemplate the strategy
in a Warmaster game.

Chuck in his natural habitat - playing Kings of War!

In Mortal Gods, heroes fight to keep Zeus'
followers from controlling the Arc de Triumph!

Ren, Jeffrey, James, and Eric play Warmaster.

Chris elemental forces advance on Chuck's troops
in Kings of War.

Rob orders his battalions forward as the British 
and French clash in Black Powder.

Chuck turns his Kings of War generalship
upon Ken!