Thursday, December 29, 2022

Fearless Veteran, 2022

Other Fearless Veteran tournaments are described here: 2017, & 2021

The 2022 SAG Fearless Veteran tournament was a resounding success!

This year the Game was Bolt Action, since it came in a close second in last year's vote. Lists were limited to 850 points, any tank or Infantry list dated 1943 or earlier with no vehicles with armor 10+. The three rounds were played with the following missions: 1. Key Positions 2. Double Envelopment and 3. No Man's Land. Rankings were determined by win/loss record, with total victory points as the tie breaker.

We ended up with  8 players, a respectable showing for the club. It was only natural that most of the players were also occasional players with the YHP Bolt Action club, a SAG offshoot. 

 Jeffrey's "Black Death"
1942 Soviet Reinforced Platoon

Allen & his "Meatball Worshippers"
Italian Paratroopers

Paul's DAK list - Panzer IIs, Infantry, and a PAK 38

Allen & Stephen fight in the desert.
In the background, Ken and Josiah fight to control a European village.

Wayne's DAK fight James SAS in round 1.

Paul's DAK clashes with  Jeffrey's Black death
for control of the central objective.

Stephan contemplates his next move against Allen.

In round 2 Stephen faces Ken's Brits in the desert.

James' SAS takes fire in the forest.

In round 2, Allen's Italians face Jeffrey's Soviets 
over a French farmhouse. 

Jeffrey's Soviets and Josiah's Italians
 battle through the village in round 3.

Stephen's Big Red One fights Wayne's DAK 
for the title of Fearless Veteran
in a hard fought draw.

The final battle was a draw, leaving us with two players tied for the most wins, neither with any losses. We had to resort to the first tie breaker to decide the victory - Victory Points earned in the tournament total. 

Final Standings

Rank, Player, List Name, List type, Wins-Losses-Draws, VPs

8. Allen, "Meatball Worshippers", Italian Paratroopers,  0-3-0, 5 VP

7. Jeffrey, "Black Death", 1942, Soviet Reinforced Platoon, 1-2-0, 9 VP

6. James, "SAS", British SAS, 1-2-0, 17 VP

5. Josiah, "Italians", War in Africa '43, 1-2-0, 19 VP

4. Ken, "Brits", British Infantry, 2-1-0, 14 VP

3. Paul, "Paul's DAK", DAK Armor Platoon. 19 VP

2. Stephen, "US 1st ID in Sicily", 1st ID (Sicily), 2-0-1, 24 VP

1. Wayne, "German", 1942 DAK, 2-0-1, 32 VP

Wayne is our our Fearless Veteran for the third year! 

Ken, our first Fearless Veteran (2016), once again performs 
the duty of crowning the next Fearless Veteran:

Fearless Veterans todate:
2016 - Ken Jacobson  (Flames of War, 3rd edition)
2017 - Wayne Wiltshire (Flames of War, 3rd edition)
2018 - Wayne Wiltshire (Flames of War, 3rd edition)
2021 - Michael Adkins (Kings of War, 2nd Edition)
2022 - Wayne Wiltshire (Bolt Action, 2nd Edition)

In 2023 the Fearless Veteran tournament will be played using Napoleonic Black Powder rules. It should be a blast!