Monday, October 19, 2020

Pandemic Painting VII

We continue not to meet due to the pandemic, sadly, our painting seems to have slowed as well, or at leats folks are not sharing as many pics. 

Matt's first 3D printed 28mm vehicle "the little T-26 that could"

Matt "Sixteen tanks. 32 guys. Pure winni....Er not a whole lot of winning was done by the two man tank concept but as far as they go the H39 wasn’t the worst. Getting the decals over the stupid “stick your helmet in and rotate it” vision dome was @?!$."

Ren's "British armor for Africa"

More of Matt's 15mm 3d printed vehicles. 

Matt is "Particularly happy with the Char Bs."

Matt says, "A TuG of Gendarmes I finished up today. The Renaissance is one of my favorite eras - so much color (too much color - painting an army is going to be an exercise in getting stands to “good enough” and then moving on to have any hope of completion). Reasonably happy with the time to result ratio on these lot."

Eric "It’s Friday painted up some trolls... for trolling."

Paul rebased an old Achaemenid Persian DBA army for ADLG, and painted a few new
firgures (in blue and purple) to flesh it out some. I still need more figures, infantry and 
cavalry, to fully deploy a Persian army. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Blast from the Past: 2013 Flames of War game

 It is hard to believe this game was over seven years ago!  It's one of my favorite games, when the legend of 'Super Stuart' was born but primarily because I played the game alongside my 9 year old son.  I've shared these pictures before online, but thought they provided a nice look at the 'old days' of SAG when we played Flames of War 3rd edition in the back room at Game Vault.  Fun times!

Monday, October 5, 2020



A couple weeks ago, in September, Ken (the French) and I as the (British) refought the 1812 Battle of Salamanca between the Duke of Wellington and his Anglo-Iberian army and Marshal Marmont's French Army of Portugal.  We used Ken's 15mm Napleonic figures and his modified Black Powder 2nd edition rules.  It was a masked, socially distanced game on a Saturday at Your Hobby Place - Fredericksburg. 

A Masked Ken ponders how Marshal Marmont would have proceeded...

The fighting developed early on the British right, and early poor 
command rolls left the British struggling in the face of effective
French fire.

But the French were unable to move their own right flank,
allowing the British to continue to concentrate on the French left.

Early on British unites were shaken and unable to act, one unit 
was badly mauled by the French.  But all stood firm.

The British managed to extricate the surviving battered unit,
and reinforcements came to bear on depleted French forces. 

In the end, despite suffering severe loses, the British took
control of the right flank and earned a minor victory
over the French.