Sunday, March 3, 2019

Age of Sigmar!

We had a nice turn out at the club last night, but only two games, both in the Age of Sigmar escalation campaign which we run on the first Friday of each month.

In the first game, my Seraphon army took on Chuck's Maggotkin of Nurgle.  The Seraphon lizard men all have a jaw attack... and Nurgle's followers are nearly all walking pus boils... imagining the taste truly sickens...

(I forgot to tak pictures, here are my Seraphon 
taking on Buck's Daughters of Khaine a few weeks ago.)

Technically, I won the game on points... but it feels like a cheap win.  The game has an artificial deadline of 5 turns of play, with an additional turn or two Chuck would have won.  And holding objective is based solely on number of models within 6", and a huge powerful figure, like say the bastiladon in the center of the picture above, counts the same as one of my tiny skinks that die in droves.  

Chuck out-played me, and he ended the game in a much better position then I did from a purely tactical position (ignoring the 'victory points').  He deserved the victory. 

The models are cool, but I'm just not a big fan of GW games, I still much prefer TSR's old Battlesystem 2nd edition.  I'm hoping to run a game of that for some of the guys later in March. That said, having fun playing with the club, and getting to play a fantasy game is awesome. and I really do love my ragtag, home-kitbashed lizardman army coming from multiple GW eras combined with toy dinosaurs.  And I also love that I can use them as Venusian lizardmen in Space:1889 games. I'm all about multi-use minis. ☺

In the other game this week, Chris' Orks took down Buck's Daughter's of Khaine and allies.  It was a close game, but Buck is getting a bit frustrated, I think. His miniatures rock though. I should have taken some close ups. 

Fate of the Nation, L'Art de la Guerre, Kill Team, Shadespire, and Blood Bowl

On the last Friday in February we had a good turn out of players and a lot of different games!

John played Isrealis versus Wayne's Egyptians in a game of Fate of a Nation.

John's Isrealis won the day versus Wayne's Egyptian armor. 

We had a lot of L'Art de la Guerre games, I converted my first De Bellis Antiquatatis army, Alexandrian Macedonians, into an ADLG army, (list #39). I first played against Eric's Later Achaemenid Persians (#68).  It was a fun game, but Eric had my number early.

Meanwhile, Chuck played Jake in an introductory game, they both played Middle Imperial Roman lists (#85), fighting out one of the many Roman versus Roman encounters.

It was a hard fought battle but Legatus Chuck pulled the win.

Ken's Selucids (#42) took on Doc's Alexandrian Macedonians (#39), Ken took the win.

Then we switched up opponents.

My Alexandrian Macedonians (#39) took on Ken's Selucids (#42), and lost handily.

At the same time, Eric's Later Achaemenid Persians (#68) fought Doc's Alexandrian Macedonians (#39) to a draw.

At the same time, Matt's Chaos Cultists beat Chris' Orks in a Kill Team Arena game.

The Matt's Khorne Cultists beat Chris' Orks in a game of Shadespire.

And they finished up with a game of Blood Bowl, Orks versus Ogres.