Saturday, March 13, 2021

Bolt Action: Battle in the Ruins


Add the end of the first turn, all the troops had moved on
the board.

Last week, Ren & I went to Your Hobby Place - Fredericksburg and played out a socially distanced game of Bolt Action

I played a German Afrika Korps list, while Ren played 8th Army South Africans. We both played tank platoons with infantry in support. (see bottom of post for the army lists).

We used the desert terrain board the store had set up to market some of the cool desert terrain they sell, which perhaps put more terrain on the board then was usual for the North African desert.  This nameless skirmish was fought amongst ancient ruins using the "Encounter" mission from the main book. 

The South Africans secured the palm grove and a strong line,
while the artillery and mortars prepared to soften up the Germans.

A Panzer II dashe sup to hide behind a dune, waiting for 
British armor to appear.

When Turn 3 starts, at the top of the image, German infantry
backed by a PzII & SDKFz222 rush forward
to avoid artillery and mortar fire. At the bottom of the picture,
German armor and halftrack borne infantry advance.

A close up of German forces going for the Mortar and artillery
observer on the dune, while the Stuart and a Vickers  sprays
them with fire. 

The SDKFz222 and infantry go for the mortar, while the
Stuart and the PzII duke it out.  

The SDKFz222 machinegunned the mortar crew out of
existence, while the infantry squads exchanged fire and 
the PzII knocked out the Stuart with a point blank
flank shot.

On the other flank, both sides rolled a long of misses - the
PzIIs rolled 4 1s in a row! - as the A13 and Crusader took
on 3 PzIIs. The Halftrack rolled up on the flank and its 
infantry prepared to rush out at the British.

Turn 4 ended, however, with the British infantry
slaughtering the Germans after they assaulted 
from the halftrack. And the Crusader drove
right up next to a PzII and knocked it out. 
At this point the Brits were ahead on VPs.

On the German left, they managed to wipe out the infantry squad
but the German infantry were decimated themselves. 

On the German right flank, thinks became grim, as the Brits
launched an infantry assault on the halftrack, knocking it out. 
Try as they might, the Germans could quite get the A13 or
Crusader to go down, and the Brits couldn't get the PzIIs. 

In the final turn, the Germans managed to get the A13 knocked out, earning the 1 VP more then the Brits in a close fought, bloody victory.  

It was a fun game. :)

Here are the army lists, as promised. 

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.