Saturday, January 1, 2022

Summer 2021 at the Club

 Sadly, I have been quite remiss in my posting for the past few months. I'm determined to break through the blocks and get back to more regular postings, so here is the next post forward. It was a busy summer so there is a decent amount below.

I was happy to get a chance to revisit one of my favorite old rule systems, TSR's Battlesystem 2nd edition. I got to run my longtime army, the Bondswords, in their original game system. It was a simple set up, the Bondswords defending a fortified river against a humanoid horde led by giant, played by Eric. The goal was to help familiarize Eric with the system for future Battlesystem games in the SAG roleplaying off-shoot club. (like the Battle of Saltmarsh)

The Bondswords brace to defend the fortified ford
as their commander, Gildor, flies above the battle 
hurling magic on the advancing horde.

The Bondswords hold the ford as Gildor flies down
the river, raining eldritch death and destruction and
devastating their foes.

We had a lot of other game systems played over the summer. Predominantly Kings of War but also Gunslinger's Paradise, Black Powder, and Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.

Chris smiles down as his Mexican banditos slaughter
the Duke and his men - Mississippi, Colorado, and
Stumpy in Gunslinger's Paradise.

Uruk-hai and Riders of Rohan battle on the wold 
in Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.

Mike teaches the finer points of Kings of War.
Napoleonic French and British battle over a
farmhouse using Black Powder rules.

The YHP Bolt Action Club, another SAG offshoot that meets at YHP Fredericksburg, tried to restart its monthly meetings with a refight of the battle of Bir Hakiem in July. We had only a four players and it was more of a generic desert battle then Bir Hakiem (no legionnaires on the board!) but the game was a blast. 

The Afrika Korps advances on on the British left.

The Leichter Panzerspähwagen advances with an 
infantry squad against Tommies in the trenches.

The biggest event over the summer was the club's participation in the "Unmasked & Merciless" Kings of War tournament hosted by Your Hobby Place Fredericksburg in July.  The club entered six players and dominated the bottom of the rankings in the 16 player event. ;) But we had fun, and we were very new to the game. Mike, the tournament organizer, is one of our newest members. It was one of our first experiences with a chess clock for tournament play. I can't speak for the rest but I find it does make the game flow better. One of our members, Rob, brought home the title of "Bloodiest General"! 

Buck and Chris face off in Round 2, Chris managed
to pull the win, 17-4.

Rob and Mike begin their game in round 2, 
which Mike won 17-4.

Chuck makes his move against Alex of "The Aristocrats"
club in round 2. Alex won 18-3.

Ken crosses his arms in satisfaction. he knows he 
will soon slaughter Paul's Bondswords, 19-2.

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