Monday, June 28, 2021

Pandemic Painting IX

This will be the final Pandemic Painting Post, showing some of our painting through early June.  We're back to regualr weekly meetings now, so we'll start posting about games and tournaments again. but enjoy this last look at how we stayed busy!  

Eric: "Behold and tremble curs of the false god emperor!
The 3rd Legion in epic scale is here to smite you!
The Emperor’s Children are ready to battle!"

Jeffrey: "GIGN ready to insert"

Jeffrey's first attempt at Japanese camo.

Jeffrey's Japanese for BA. "90% are 3D printed"

Chris: "Armored spear and
armored sword groups done, plus a banner."

Jeffrey's 3d printed, Japanese Type 91 105mm, with gunners made from Warlord plastic figures.

Jeffrey's terrain painting.

Buck's DsHK Hvy MG.

Buck's truck for Daughters of the Motherland in Konflikt '47.

Ren & I team worked this one. He built and painted it then I did details and wash.
Thanks Chuck for 3D printing it for us so long ago. It works as an airfield control tower
or, as my wife recently pointed out, a tower for a POW camp. 

Jeffrey's Zebra in 28mm.

Matt is building a dwarf army for Kings of War.
"Not potato picture of my first unit done."

Paul's owlbear and Medusa, painted for D&D. 

Jeffrey's Free French: "Did all the French flags on plain helmet by hand."

Matt: "I finally painted the greater earth elemental
I’ve had since the KOW V2 KS."